Sunday, January 13, 2013

Simple Basic Beauty Tips for you Girls!

We girls always love to look fresh and pretty,but there are so many ways to look beautiful in the market now and you just don't know what to pick.Well,you really don't have to be confused because there are simple ways to achieve that naturally beautiful you,you'll just have to follow this amazing simple and basic beauty tips I have for you.

  • Take care of your skin.                                                                      -It is very important for us girls to always make our  skin our priority,because good looking skin makes you look healthier,and men always look for that.Simply remember to always WASH YOUR FACE,at least thrice a day(but not more than thrice)with your desired facial wash or soap,this will help make your face prevent bacterias that could cause acne(we don't want that).Also never forget to MOISTURIZE YOUR SKIN.This is very basic if you don 't moisturize,your skin will definitely look dry even your face should be moist at least twice a day to maintain your luscious looking skin.Another tip is to EXFOLIATE,do this at least twice a week,so that you could wash off those dead skin cells.Girls always remember you dont have to relay on expensive products,cause expensive doesnt literally means better, as long as you find a product that will fit your skin type and your skin needs.
beauty tips

beauty tips

  • Eat healthy,look healthy.
Yes,food plays a big role in our body,what ever we eat it will definitely reflect on how we look,So if you wanna be pretty always remember to maintain a healthy diet.Eat lots of fruits and veggies,this is one of the best and most inexpensive things you can do to improve your skin,this is obviously proven so girls start today,maybe the next day you'll wake up with a fresher new glow.

beauty tips

  • Drink lots of water. 
Our body basically needs water to survive,but water also have numerous of benifits for our skin and body,whether you want shinier hair, younger skin,or a healthier body water could definitely help you out. Drinking at least 8 glasses a day will help rid the body and skin toxins. Everyone will not agree that water consumption will improve skin… but it certainly can't hurt. Many people often report that by increasing their water intake, their skin has a more radiant glow. Those who suffer from acne have reported the same results. Nothing will happen overnight, but even a good couple of weeks of increasing water intake should be enough for you to see how hydration affects your own skin.

beauty tips

beauty tips

  • Exercise to look nice. 
Exercising will not just make you look good it can also make you feel good,it's good for your health and it can also help improve the look of your skin.Regular physical activity and sweating out the toxins can boost skin health and add a natural glow.It also tones your muscles,minimize the appearance of cellulite, the dimply fat that often strikes thighs and buttocks. You can't exercise cellulite away, but you can help it look better.Exercising also boost oxygen and blood flow to the skin,The boost in blood flow and oxygen to the skin cells carries nutrients that improve skin health, supporting all the effort you make with moisturizers and other skin care products on the skin surface.So whether it's going to the gym or doing indoor physical activities its important to exercise as much as possible.

beauty tips
 There you have it girls,simple and basic but definitely effective beauty tips just for you.dont forget to follow them,so that you'll look good and feel good inside and out.

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