Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Naruto 631 - Kage and Taka Arrival

Okay, I knew that with inclusion of Minato at the Naruto 631 end, everyone's going to go like "ooohh!! Minato's here looking forward to the next chapter!!", but it seems that THIS chapter is getting "great" and "flawless" comments written all over it, even though it didn't do anything to deserve them!
This chapter has been a waste, because:
naruto 631 spoiler
Obito and Kakashi still have used most of the panels, spitting their annoying bullshit out. You people who have expressed how awesome this chapter was, do you honestly love reading those two saying the same shit all over again? They have been doing it for a number of chapters now, with no end at sight, and to refresh the idea on how long it lasted, it wasnt' just a few chapters, OH NO! Kakashi can be excused to some extent, but the main cancer of this arc is Obito and he's still there! He's still doing it and there's nothing stopping him! How could anyone possibly enjoy this? Kishimoto only gets away with his mediocrity as of late because people seem to praise him for the work he's been producing!

Characters bar Sasuke getting absolutely ZERO character development. Naruto is still a retard who does inspirational speeches here and then, Shinobi army is still useless and annoying, Madara and Hashirama wasted chapters with their turd-skipping, migraine-inducing stupidity, every other Edo bar Itachi have been thrown into the dumpster. Because of this, the war has tried to display some kind of emotion, but other than disgust, it hasn't succeeded in anything else. There are a few exceptions like I said, but the negatives far outweight the positives. We have been going backwards since this arc started because of atrocious chapters like THIS!

The story is predictable, boring and shallow, the characters are lifeless and poorly animated Pinocchios, the dialogue and the overall subject is being copy/pasted on every following chapter, Minato =/= saviour of this manga, the art is having a drop in quality.

What has happened in the last 5 chapters? let's go with the entire arc. I'll tell you what has happened:


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